How exercise you imagine your life with Instagram automation?

Your telephone'south blowing up with likes and follows, and you're leaning dorsum into your chaise longue, your hands backside your head, grinning the smug smile of the person whose social marketing efforts are scaling effortlessly. You sip your cucumber water. The infinity pool sparkles.

Well, hello from a blizzard in rural Finland, where I accept spent a week tied to my keyboard trying to achieve that dream. And let me tell you, making an Instagram bot piece of work—let alone work well—is not hands-off, reliable, or fun.

Depending on your standards, I'yard not even sure it's possible.

Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.

What is Instagram automation?

Instagram automation, the kind we're talking nigh hither, are bots that similar posts, follow accounts, and comment on your behalf.

You define your target audience, and your trained pet bot crawls through accounts that might be interested in you lot, interacting with them in a pre-divers, hopefully natural-seeming way. In an ideal world, the bot does what y'all'd do yourself to earn Instagram engagement, if y'all but had the time.

If automated Instagram likes sounds a little too proficient to be true, that'southward because information technology is. Information technology'southward a black-hat social media play a trick on, like engagement pods, which nosotros tried out in 2018. Or ownership Instagram followers—which results in an inflated follower count, zero engagement, and a long list of obviously fake followers.

Only with automation, some self-described "growth hackers" argue that if information technology's done right, and y'all pinpoint the "correct automation targets," automation is the most efficient way to build upwards a "existent" audience of fans.

However, there are issues with Instagram automation:

  • People don't like bots, and they can tell when a similar, follow or comment is fake; and therefore
  • Instagram actively works confronting practices that degrade the user experience; and therefore
  • Automation services must try to evade detection, or else run the hazard of getting shut down.

For case, in 2017, Instagram close downward a agglomeration of automation services similar the quondam go-to tool, Instagress. E'er since, it's been a flake of a crapshoot as to where to fifty-fifty observe a performance Instagram comment bot.

While I was trying to choose which tool to utilize, I read up on the "safest almost reliable" services, according to a few unlike experts. The trouble is, fifty-fifty the people who swear by automation acknowledge that many bot providers malfunction or merely don't provide results. Meanwhile, the providers themselves aren't that convincing. For example, InstaRocket'southward FAQ:

How practise I know if yous're legit?

You are costless to try out our Trial for 3 days. Trial and Subscription are exactly the aforementioned.

Regardless, y'all accept to pay for each tool y'all effort. And don't await a bot to be upfront with you if it'southward not working. Equally I found out, this tin lead to a lot of wasted time, and coin.

What is NOT Instagram automation?

To exist clear, in that location are legitimate Instagram automation tools and software that have the grunt piece of work out of your marketing efforts without crossing the line into behaviour that could get your business relationship suspended:

  • Scheduling Instagram posts ahead of time so that you're not scrambling at the last infinitesimal
  • Customized Instagram analytics reports delivered automatically with the data that matters to you
  • Social listening and hashtag monitoring tools that surface the conversations your brand wants to be a part of (or just keep on top of)

What happened when I tried Instagram automation

Ok, now that we're articulate on definitions, let'due south take a expect at the long, convoluted process of trying to get results from Instagram automation in 2020. (Please direct my Pulitzers and Nobels straight to the sauna.)

My accounts started with some uninspiring benchmarks.

@akaprincessrosebud (the Instagram creator account where I re-post my neighbour's domestic dog photos) started with:

  • 26 interactions and 12 accounts reached in the previous calendar week
  • 37 following

@princessrosebud2thesequel (my non-concern burner account, where I post even more photos of my neighbour'south dog) started with:

  • 5 likes on my most recent post
  • 2 following

Sidebar: My follower ratios for both of these accounts is so skewed because I bought 1000 "organic" followers back in October for a different experiment—interesting to note how that number has diminished over the last few months.

So, allow'south trace the different steps I took to automate both of these accounts.

Stride 1: Sign upwards for an Instagram automation bot and spend 3 days wondering if information technology works

First, I tried InstaRocket, which supposedly automates likes, comments, posts, straight messages, follows, and unfollows.

I signed up for a free iii-day trial, and entered my ideal audience parameters, so that Instarocket volition find, like, and comment on accounts who like or post photos with certain hashtags, live in certain countries, or who follow big influencers or brand accounts that I think target a like audition.

Instarocket automation settings

And and then I made upwards some cool comments that Instarocket will automatically post for me, to earn attention for my account:

Automated comment options created by the author

Nix happened in the first 24-hour interval subsequently I set it up. It was listed equally "pending."

After 2 days, I had ii choices: email back up, or buy a monthly subscription. So I emailed the Instarocket support squad to see if my account would be upwards and running before my iii-day promotion ends. I never got a response.

Step 2: Try to find a second automation bot (one that does work)

While I waited for a response, I thought maybe I'd endeavor a higher-cease Instagram automation service.

Kickoff, I tried Instamber— the "#1 almost reliable and constructive Instagram automation bot," according to more than i recent list. Just the sign-up page gave me a 404 mistake. Yikes.

Pace 3: Ok, endeavor for Bot #three

I was ready to jump upwards my budget significantly, and shell out the €79 wants for its software, which boasts that it uses "facial recognition AI" (um, okay) and is "100% undetectable by Instagram" (I doubtfulness this is truthful).

Peradventure foolishly, I was even willing to download its desktop software, in the name of our exciting experiment. Alas, when information technology became articulate that I would need to "download Python" (isn't Python a linguistic communication?) only to install it, I decided to search for another route.

Step 4: Ok, get back to Bot #2 and run a campaign

Instamber'southward sign-upwardly folio was loading at this point. So I decided to try another 3-mean solar day trial. This time I signed up using my burner account, @princessrosebud2thesequel.

Instamber is non every bit prissy-looking or clear as InstaRocket. On the plus side, their support team does email you back (more than on that afterward.) Mostly the dashboard was comprised of buttons urging me to pay more money.

Instamber dashboard

First, I ran a 24-hour "promotion" targeting fans of @andrewknapp'southward folio. He has a huge audience based almost entirely on photos of his border collie Momo's gorgeous face up.

Andrew Knapp Instagram profile

Source: @andrewknapp

Subsequently 24 hours, Instamber's bot had followed 69 accounts, liked 138 posts, watched 958 Stories and left 42 comments on my behalf.

The event? I've gained viii new followers. Instamber tells me that'south a 0.7% conversion rate, though the math is a little… opaque.

Instamber analytics dashboard

The new accounts the bot followed ways my feed is now jammed full of cute dog photos, and I am not complaining. Notwithstanding, I can't assistance but wonder what kind of cringey interactions my account is having.

I'm worried it'll exist as bad as the last time we ran this experiment, when Hootsuite writer Evan LePage used the now-defunct Instagress to become 250 followers in iii days. He reported:

"I [automatically] commented "your pics > my pics" on a selfie of a boy who was clearly in middle schoolhouse. In fact, his account was equanimous of just four pictures, iii of them selfies. I felt uncomfortable. The teenage boy told me I was existence modest."

When I check, it turns out that Instamber is mostly but leaving over-the-meridian emojis on people's normal posts:

Screenshot of author's "Activity" tab on Instagram

These don't seem like believable comments to me, just they worked for my viii new followers.

Step 5: Go back and check on Bot #ane

Meanwhile, my InstaRocket account, after two of my three gratis days, is still "pending," with absolutely no activeness to show. Except, really, I have lost 8 followers.

So I bite the bullet, and pay the $7.95 USD for the personal plan for one calendar month. Simply now I must look for admin to approve my order. (Yet no response from customer service.)

Step 6: Try out a 2d entrada, with less spammy techniques

I'm very curious: is there a legitimate way to automate your Instagram interactions for growth? Using automation bots volition never be lawful skillful, just peradventure there's a way to use them that hits at least chaotic neutral.

Some growth hackers believe it's possible. Then, I'chiliad going to try ane last experiment while doing my best to avoid existence spammy and ruining the experience for myself and everyone who interacts with my dog-bot.

This means refining what I allow Instamber to exercise.

Nether Settings > Actions I unclick boxes until my bot is only immune to view Stories and like posts. I exercise not permit information technology to follow, or comment.

Co-ordinate to these settings, my Instagram bot will like between i and iii of a user'due south posts, and possibly watch their Stories.

That gives them four different opportunities to see my account, and it's a softer bear on because I'chiliad non doing anything intrusive or obviously inauthentic, similar leaving cringey emojis or following them out of the blue.

Instarocket automation dashboard set to strict limits

So, what happens afterward 24 hours of non-spammy automated liking?

Alas, I don't know. Instamber asked me to pay for an additional month, so I paid the $15 USD. And then they asked me to download some desktop software. I did that. But my Macbook refused the sketchy software, and so I emailed support, who told me, repeatedly, that I demand to "install bluestacks as the android emulator and run social span and Instagram via that."

Reader, I did not do that.

Step 7: Analyze the results

While I can't confirm on Instamber, these are the overall results of my experiment.


24-hr likes + comments + follow promotion ($i USD)

  • eight new followers
  • 14 Story views
  • 67 new accounts that my account followed

48-hour non-spammy likes-only promotion ($15 USD)

  • 2 new followers
  • v likes for my most recent photo


No promotion happened, because despite extending my payment for some other month, my account is still pending. And still no word from the support team. Just I:

  • Lost 6 followers
  • Got 10 likes from what looks to be a fellow canis familiaris-bot
  • Received 2 savage burns (from a burn bot?)

Instagram image of author's dog with only 6 likes

On the one hand, I'g surprised that my experiment was so shockingly ineffective.

On the other paw, Instagram has been at war with automation services for years. It makes sense that a visitor that pulled in $nine billion in ad acquirement in 2019 has the resources to brand bots effectively useless.

Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no upkeep and no expensive gear.

Get the free guide right now!

Lessons from Instagram automation

There'southward no such affair as a legitimate, risk-free Instagram automation service

The websites will tell you they are safety, reliable and effective. The websites are lying.

Even if the bots work (doubtful), the service could get shut down at whatever moment. Fifty-fifty worse, your account could exist express or banned for violating Instagram's platform policy.

For instance, the 2nd I linked my account to Instamber, I was notified of a "suspicious login attempt." (Practiced job Instagram, because if I was in Northward Van I'd be eating Honey's Donuts with Meghan and Harry.)

notification of unusual login attempt from North Vancouver

At no indicate did I experience confident, secure, or relaxed. I was uneasy about handing my credit card details over. I was uneasy about downloading desktop software. The services are arbitrarily priced, and many look like outright scams. Do they work? Many don't, but at that place's no knowing until yous pay. At the end of the week, I just felt mildly ashamed for tarnishing my neighbour'south dog's online reputation.

If you're responsible for a professional account for a legitimate brand, I'm going to go ahead and say that you actually do not want to risk a push notification that says "we're removing inauthentic activeness" or "your business relationship data is compromised."

And even more importantly, you practise non want to risk alienating your fans, customers, and audience with weird behaviour.

And on that annotation, a personal aside to the indie band that followed and unfollowed me three times over the grade of the concluding vi months: The first time I was flattered. The 2d fourth dimension I unfollowed y'all on Spotify. The third time I looked up who runs your social media so that I can avoid working with them in the futurity.

The tech is clunky, and support isn't supportive

Instamber wanted me to download desktop software, an android emulator, and its own app. Oh, plus Instagram itself, though "all-time practice" was to sign out and go out the app alone while my campaign ran, to prevent whatsoever more geographic discrepancies. I call back there was something nearly a VPN in at that place, too.

It'due south not that these extra steps—see Indicate #1, Instagram is watching—are impossible for a motivated social media manager, it'due south that they're a hassle. Yous have more important things to be doing.

Meanwhile, as far as I can tell, every time I emailed Instarocket's customer service, they forwarded it straight into a sarlacc pit.

"Undetectable past Instagram" and "not spammy" actually ways "so slow you may likewise do it yourself"

The days of skyrocketing vanity metrics are over. Instagram doesn't even display likes anymore, then in many means the pressure is off for many brands to merely look pop.

Plus, now that Instagram monitors and limits pings to its API, no automation service can realistically provide the kind of volume I was imagining dorsum at the starting time of this blog post.

For instance, back in 2017, the starting time time we ran this experiment, Evan LePage went from 338 to 1050 followers on his personal account using Instagress.

This time around I got 8 new followers, many of whom seem fairly imitation themselves, a scattering of Story views, and about thirty likes full. Weeks later, I also have a creeping suspicion that my accounts are now permanent bot-magnets, fifty-fifty if my credit card isn't getting charged.

What would have happened if I'd spent this week devoting myself to genuine engagement, great content, and executing this list of tips for getting more Instagram likes? I'k going to become out on a limb and say I'd not only have more followers, I'd exist relaxing with a cucumber water by the infinity pool, after a task well done.

Salvage time and your brand'south face by automating your Instagram activity the right manner. With Hootsuite you lot can schedule Instagram posts in advance, engage with followers, and edit your images all from one, easy-to-use dashboard.

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